Aug 31, 2021
Most of the time we focus on the benefits of fasting in regards to autophagy and body transformation, but there’s so much more…
Intermittent fasting also is one of the biggest boosters of brain repair and anti-aging…
For all the details tune into today’s #CabralConcept 2034 to learn the 7 intermittent fast...
Aug 19, 2021
Unfortunately, the likelihood of your MD knowing that Alzheimer’s and dementia are now reversible is highly unlikely…
Of course, it’s not their fault since this is something that is taught in traditional medical schools where monotherapeutic treatment plans are the only given option (even though they’ve been...
Apr 13, 2021
Medical science has known about leaky gut for a number of decades now, but did you know the same permeability can happen with your brain?
Just like in your gut, your blood-brain barrier can be breached leading to many neurological, health, and hormonal imbalances in the body…
Mar 2, 2021
By now you’ve probably heard about a Functional Medicine detox that enables your liver to clean your blood at a much faster rate, but…
Have you heard about how to do this same thing for your brain?
Thanks to taking ancient Ayurvedic methods to a new scientific level we are now able to better “clean” the brain...